Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
81 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 5
82 The future of the European Union 1: democracy, stability, and enlargement 5
83 Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Europe and the wider world 5
84 Finances of NGOs 5
85 EU policy and economic governance 5
86 Intellectual property law, management and policy 5
87 English language for physical education and sports 4
88 Management information systems 2016 4
89 European Union security 4
90 Special topics in business: Sports 4
91 Project management essentials 4
92 Doctoral seminar: Conducting a literature review 4
93 Fundamentos básicos sobre lazer, trabalho e educação 4
94 Business strategies in the circular economy 4 100 1
95 Ordine mondială: dezvoltare, democrație și securitate 4
96 International organizations 4
97 Population and human capital policy in the EU II: economic policies (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 4
98 Global architecture 4
99 Postmodernism în teoria și practica politică 4
100 International and EU politics: a strategic approach 4
101 Rational choice theory and international politics 4
102 European Union security: institutions and policies 4
103 Analiza conflictelor 4
104 Theories of international relations 4
105 Promotion and commercialization of new tourism products and destinations 4
106 Managementul resurselor umane 4
107 Project management 4
108 Foreign policy analysis 4
109 Population and human capital policy in the EU I: demographic policy (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 4
110 Professional communication 4
111 Introducción a la psicología ambiental 4
112 Trabajo fin de máster 4
113 Social policies 4
114 Project management 4
115 Fluid mechanics 4
116 The future of the European Union 5: after Brexit 4
117 Positive political economy (international edition) 4
118 The future of the European Union 4: the aftermath of the crisis 4
119 French for global affairs - Level 1 4
120 Turismo y desarrollo sostenible: la calidad de los destinos y productos turísticos 4