Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
281 Corupție și politici anticorupție 4
282 Exegesis and argumentation in philosophy 4
283 Dissertation 4
284 Partide poliltice şi grupuri de interese în UE 4
285 Development and educational systems 4
286 Romania and the 20th century peace treaties 4
287 Construcţia europeană 4
288 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 4
289 Political attitudes and behaviours 4
290 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos de congresos y convenciones 4
291 Security studies 4
292 Regional development in Europe 4
293 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 4 4
294 Comparative political systems 4
295 Communication in German language 1 4
296 Project management 4
297 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 2 4
298 Theories of justice and international ethics 3
299 Lucrare de licență 3
300 Philosophy of European unity 3
301 Social policies 3
302 Planning new products for cultural tourism 3
303 The institutional framework of the European Union 3
304 Communication in German language 2 3
305 Dissertation writing methodology 3
306 Epistemologie politică 3
307 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos deportivos 3
308 Promoción y comercialización de destinos y productos turísticos 3
309 Global governance 3
310 Field practice 3
311 Money, Banking and Financial Markets 3
312 Field practice 3
313 The idea of Europe 3
314 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos en el espacio litoral y de cruceros 2
315 Theories of development 2
316 Economie politică europeană 1 100 1
317 Economie politică